Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Pay It Forward

Pay It Forward

Syd posted HERE about his Pay It Forward gift packet from Jenn from J-Online. He offered the same to the first four to comment on the post. So I'ma gonna do the same thing. If'n you'd like a little art project from me, just tell me so in the comment section. Syd then offered to send to others besides the first four, but I am gonna stick to the original thought. I gotta keep producing stuff for my gallery show in September.

Above is what was in my gift box: some delicious tea, napkins, a magnetic note pad, some homemade jam, a great aromatic candle and a star fish. Thanks, Syd. A bit of South Carolina in Texas.


eddietsunami said...

Hey I can use a art project of most any kind:

Ed Peters
POB 832
Duvall Wa 98019

It will be like Christmas once again as I stand with my hands behind my back waiting for my exciting package.

Mary Christine said...

Hope I am in the first four.

Anonymous said...

wow..I'd be so delighted to receive any piece of art from you Scott! I'll send my address in an e-mail message. Can't believe I made the first four, but very glad! What a wonderful idea:) thank you, jld

Maainerevgal said...

I would love one! We still have 4 feet of snow on the ground up hjere in Maine! Thanks!
Sharon Stover
8 Sanderson Drive
Fairfield, ME 04937

Kathy Lynne said...

I love coming here to see your art...am I really in the top 4 or am I going to get voted off?

my email...kathym530@aol.com for details..

Syd said...

I'm glad that you liked the stuff Scott. The jam was made from berries at my farm and the tea is from the tea plantation that's within a 1/4 mile of my farm. And the other things are just Charleston things.

Anonymous said...

that's very cool, i love home made jam.

Anonymous said...

I've been without internet for 2 weeks and see that I'm too late to be in the top 4 -bummer. Do this again sometime Scott. We'd all love to have some of your art. Have lots of fun getting ready for your next show. Deb