Pay It Forward
Syd posted HERE about his Pay It Forward gift packet from Jenn from J-Online. He offered the same to the first four to comment on the post. So I'ma gonna do the same thing. If'n you'd like a little art project from me, just tell me so in the comment section. Syd then offered to send to others besides the first four, but I am gonna stick to the original thought. I gotta keep producing stuff for my gallery show in September.
Above is what was in my gift box: some delicious tea, napkins, a magnetic note pad, some homemade jam, a great aromatic candle and a star fish. Thanks, Syd. A bit of South Carolina in Texas.
Syd posted HERE about his Pay It Forward gift packet from Jenn from J-Online. He offered the same to the first four to comment on the post. So I'ma gonna do the same thing. If'n you'd like a little art project from me, just tell me so in the comment section. Syd then offered to send to others besides the first four, but I am gonna stick to the original thought. I gotta keep producing stuff for my gallery show in September.
Above is what was in my gift box: some delicious tea, napkins, a magnetic note pad, some homemade jam, a great aromatic candle and a star fish. Thanks, Syd. A bit of South Carolina in Texas.
Hey I can use a art project of most any kind:
Ed Peters
POB 832
Duvall Wa 98019
It will be like Christmas once again as I stand with my hands behind my back waiting for my exciting package.
Hope I am in the first four.
wow..I'd be so delighted to receive any piece of art from you Scott! I'll send my address in an e-mail message. Can't believe I made the first four, but very glad! What a wonderful idea:) thank you, jld
I would love one! We still have 4 feet of snow on the ground up hjere in Maine! Thanks!
Sharon Stover
8 Sanderson Drive
Fairfield, ME 04937
I love coming here to see your art...am I really in the top 4 or am I going to get voted off?
my email...kathym530@aol.com for details..
I'm glad that you liked the stuff Scott. The jam was made from berries at my farm and the tea is from the tea plantation that's within a 1/4 mile of my farm. And the other things are just Charleston things.
that's very cool, i love home made jam.
I've been without internet for 2 weeks and see that I'm too late to be in the top 4 -bummer. Do this again sometime Scott. We'd all love to have some of your art. Have lots of fun getting ready for your next show. Deb
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