Wednesday, September 17, 2008


Whatever vexes you currently, imagine for a moment what could make it worse. What can make it worse than that? Again. Imagine it, feel it, and come back to now. If you can make it worse, then you can make it better. Remember this: you are not helpless before your feelings. ~Pocket Sponsor
This day I am grateful...
  • for yesterday's excellent noon meeting about regeneration. We get a new life when we get into recovery. Many are getting new lives after this massive storm we survived.
  • that I got to share about spending time with a 90 year old man who sobered up 45 years ago, started the local AA chapter in Sweetwater, TX, and since I have known him I have seen him drink 4 or 5 times. He always asks me if I am still going to AA, then has to explain to me that he drinks occasionally. Someone else in the house had made martinis, and the man had 3. We asked the martini maker to stop serving him and he said 'He's only had two', we had to correct him and that the man had snuck an extra one. I knew I didn't want to drink even if I could get away with it. If I do ever drink it will be because my spiritual condition is bankrupt. If the world is ending, I don't want a drink just because I can. I want my faculties, as difficult as they may be at times.
  • that I got in a real SNIT last night. Yes, I, can you believe it? So what did I do? I called Sister So and Face and someone in recovery and talked about it.
  • that I got to spend some time at Lambda with some recoverers and watch some insanity
  • that there are more and more gas stations opening daily
  • that I will surely get my electricity back soon

We long for permanence, believing it guarantees security, not realizing the only real security available to us comes with our trust in God, from whom all change comes as a blessing on the growth we've attained. If we were to experience total lack of change, we'd find death. Life is challenge, continued change, always endurable and growth-enhancing. We can reflect on what's gone before, and trust that which faces us now. ~Each Day a New Beginning


J-Online said...

Power Power...come back to Scott please. Thanks for showing how to make the best of it during trying times.

Syd said...

I know about feeling "snitty". I felt that way a bit of that in an anxious kind of way yesterday. I hope that your electrical power is back but know that your higher power is on.

Pammie said...

Oh no, you got into a snit?
Why didn't you sit down and start blogging, I needed someone to "side with" last night.

Lou said...

I'm not supposed to say this, but the 90 yr old martini man sounds funny. And he is slick!

Tabitha.Montgomery said...

Snitty is all part of being human:)
Hope you get your electricty soon!

dAAve said...

I hope your snit didn't turn to shit.
Welcome to the world.

Anonymous said...

That was out big problem during Wilma, well, AFTER! We went almost 3 weeks without power. Powerless!

Hopefully, yours will be on by noon tomorrow.

See ya tomorrow.

Mary Christine said...

Oh my goodness. You still don't have power. I am so sorry, and I hope and pray it will be back SOON!