Monday, February 25, 2008

Delmonico's Restaurant


So mentioned my job as a waiter at Delmonico's (in the Galleria Plaza Hotel, at that time it was a Westin hotel) in her post of Sunday. One morning when I showed up for work they were photographing it for the hotel brochure. So there I am, on the left hand side, pouring water. In the middle is Amal, our Egyptian manager. She had red finger nails with the moons painted silver. She was a tyrant, but she and I always got along well and were really friendly. The blond on the right is my friend, Terry. Terry wore Candie's no back high heels and had a great rack. In fact she used to strip at the Tattooed Lady in Montrose (it's now a gay bar, The Montrose Mining Company). My first day, when she arrived and someone pointed me out as the new waiter, she exclaimed, "Oh goodie! A homosexual!" Needless to say we were great friends. The kitchen staff used to freak, knowing I was gay, when I would put my hands under her apron and grab her tits. They were most confused.
Anyway, it was a great place to work and I worked lunches only. That was during Houston's oil boom and the money was great. I think I worked 24 hours a week. Rent and life were cheap back in those days.


Trailboss said...

I can remember you working only lunch and bringing home $100 cash. I think I was making maybe $2.85 at the time per hour and the thought of that kind of money left me speechless, which was really something for me in those days.

Remember how sometimes Mark and I would come in and have drinks, free of course, and anything that didn't have to be cooked you could get it for nothing. Such fun!

I loved that picture, it's just how I remember you, very handsome I must say. I also remember that "fake" dessert cart. At first I thought they were real until you told me. I had so much to learn back then. How did I ever make it????

Mary Christine said...

Thanks for sharing that piece of your life with us.

Syd said...

That is an interesting story. Thanks for telling it. I especially had to laugh about the kitchen staff and their confusion.

Anonymous said...

What a fantastic picture. It looks so authentic, almost like it is taken from a scene on a movie set. The color and people in the scene are almost not real.

And seeing you in there, wow! Thanks for sharing this piece of your life with us.

Scott W said...

So, I don't know where you got the information that the dessert cart was fake, because we sold straight off it and onto the table. Maybe too much stinkweed?

Bill said...

Stinkweed doesn't sound like a very good dessert.

I still think you would have looked better in tight black waiter's pants.

Anonymous said...

Hmmmm interesting story..Thanks for sharing with us.
keep up the work.

Anonymous said...

that looks like a swanky joint. i used to be a banquet server at the omni hotel in charlotte, and waited tables in the restaurant when i needed extra cash.

that is where i learned to set a table properly and fold napkins into fancy shapes. i reckon you can say i'm cultured now. or not.