Integrity means acting to make the world as much better as you possibly can. It means discovering your own unique set of skills and abilities, and using them to achieve maximum benefit for those around you. It means finding what you do best, and doing it with all the commitment and energy you can muster. There is no better path to success and accomplishment than this. ~Ralph Marston
Today I am grateful...
- that I have two weeks to research Integrity, the principle behind Step 5
- that now I make my choices instead of back in the day when my alcoholism made them
- that, as Bill W said, I have been given a quiet place in bright sunshine
- for the mysteries of a sober life to which I don't need the answers
- for the freedoms I have today which I would have never known if I had not found the program of Alcoholics Anonymous
Learn to love being the authentic person you are, and everything you do will be infused with integrity. Learn to love whatever work you're doing, and that work will bring abundant rewards. ~RM
Courage is the commitment to do what you know is right. Courage arises when your integrity will not allow any other choice. ~RM
I am eating a Milk Dud, one, only one. I don't know why I felt the need to share that. I really don't even like carmel cause it sticks to my teeth. Please make me stop. At least it won't give me gaaaaaas.
Thank you
I have a bag of Peanut M&M's.
Make that a half a bag.
Integrity is something that one seems to be born with. But I think that the HP gives us a second chance to get it right.
I love that you share your sponsors assignments with us.Thanks.
Great definitions of integrity & courage.
One of my moments of clarity was when someone told me they thought I had integrity and I knew in my heart of hearts that it wasn't true, that I was living a lie. It gave me a measure of desire to change.
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