When you don't need anything, then you truly have everything. When you know that you already have enough, that you already are enough, that everything is as it should be, then your life will be rich indeed. Get past the need to possess and you'll discover that the whole world is yours. Abandon the need to be right and you'll find real truth. ~Ralph Marston
Today I am grateful...
- for my new car stereo which has a remote control. Isn't that crazy? It's not like the dashboard is too far away to easily change the channel.
- for the tinkling of wind chimes as a cold front is blowing through town
- that I got to speak with Pam yesterday morning. She has viral pneumonia which has produced the asthma. Today we are waiting to hear how she is doing.
- that I am one of a kind, but that does not distinguish me in a group of alcoholics because there I am just an ordinary drunk
Living with integrity means: Not settling for less than what you know you deserve in your relationships. Asking for what you want and need from others. Speaking your truth, even though it might create conflict or tension. Behaving in ways that are in harmony with your personal values. Making choices based on what you believe, and not what others believe. ~Barbara de Angelis
"making choices based on what you believe and not what others believe" That's good stuff.
Thanks. I just found out I'll be leading tonight and I can pass on the Marsten quote to those willing to brave the snow.
Good stuff.
Scott C in the (Snowy) Land of Cleves
You will learn to love that remote. When the battery on mine went out I was so sad. I came to realize how useful it was. Yes, the idea that all you need to do is lean over a little to change it versus the remote is baffling.
I can hear the wind chimes . . .
You never know when you'll be in the back seat with someone, and want to crank up the Kenny G music.
I have what I need. I want what I have. It doesn't get better than that.
that's funny - a remote?!!
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