A great lesson we have to learn is how to wait with patience. ~12 and 12
Today I am grateful...
- to do the work and then leave the results to a power greater than I
- for all the loving faces that I was privileged to greet last night. Old friends, new friends, acquaintances and all the others.
- that once again gratitude has carried me further than I would have ever guessed
- that the trudge is so worth it
- for the changes in my life for the past 2,126 days. Astonishing.
If you think you are a victim of the universe, you are probably right. If you think of yourself as becoming whole from your experience, you are probably right. I am the victor, not the victim. It took all of my past to make this person I love today. ~Pocket Sponsor
I enojoyed myself so much last night.
Everything was perfect!
Perfect I say.
Patience? I want it, and I want it now!
It was so great to see you surrounded by all your amazing art last night - you looked wonderful!
What a wonderful time for my friend Scott W.
It sounds like everything went really well! That is awesome! Your patience has paid off...a great lesson indeed! Perfect is good.
Patience and work paid off and I'm glad for you...
Blessings and aloha...
Congratulations Scott on having a great evening. I really like art shows. We have art walk here most Fridays of the month and they are great.
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