- that I resisted the urge to email a 3 year sober person in the program of AA to ask them if it was appropriate for them to constantly call a newcomer to tell them the dirt on other sober members. Restraint of keyboard.
- for yesterday's meeting on 'do you pray and meditate, or do you say, oh shit?'
- for the joys of a little Boston Bulldog named Bunny
- that it's downright chilly outside this morning
- that gratitude is one of the highest blessings
A sober alcoholic is like a turtle on a fence post -- you know it had help. ~anonymous
Fear... of economic insecurity will leave us. ~Alcoholics Anonymous, p. 84
Having fear reduced or eliminated and having economic circumstances improve, are two different things. When I was new in A.A., I had those two ideas confused. I thought fear would leave me only when I started making money. However, another line from the Big Book jumped off the page one day when I was chewing on my financial difficulties: "For us, material well-being always followed spiritual progress; it never preceded."(p. 127). I suddenly understood that this promise was a guarantee. I saw that it put priorities in the correct order, that spiritual progress would diminish that terrible fear of being destitute, just as it diminished many other fears. Today I try to use the talents God gave me to benefit others. I've found that is what others valued all along. I try to remember that I no longer work for myself. I only get the use of the wealth God created, I never have "owned" it. My life's purpose is much clearer when I just work to help, not to possess. ~Daily Reflections
One of your finest posts.
Thank you.
I agree Daave. I also like the turtle quote. So very true.
The lesser personal love is what let's us down. Thanks for lots of reminders today.
So maybe the "busy" alcoholic who shares too much is simply a turtle waiting for a hand up? Maybe?
Oh, and for a good time and a great laugh in a bar (kid you not) go here: http://www.vbs.tv/video.php?id=1454975012
I'm worried about that poor turtle.
Poor little turtle, I hope the Hare that bit him does not return.
I am diggin' the cool mornings..this is about as perfect as it gets....weather wise down here isn't it?
thank you for your gratitude lists/posts, scott. it's so spiritual for me. and thank you for the b-day card. also, i've rearranged my apartment and made a little space for meditation on the photo you gave me - you know the one.
i struggle with restraint of keyboard myself. as for that particular issue you mentioned, that would be very difficult for me too.
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