On the way back to the hotel we stopped next door at the Austrian Cultural Society to see a small exhibit of artwork from the home of Sigmund Freud. The building is fabulously slick modern design, and they said the pieces were there for obvious reasons. Other then the bronze recamier I saw no other obvious items. (Recamier: a sometimes backless couch with a high curved headrest. Etymology: from its appearance in a portrait of Mme. Recamier by Jacques-Louis David) There was an explanation of each piece in a tidy but extensive brochure and I was just too worn out to read it, or even care for that matter. There was one fun piece on exhibit, and what was exhibited was just for show, since the actual item would be only in spoken or thought form. See photo below:

Notice after photoshopping, Dave's mouth disappeared. AHA!
We had a nosh at Isadora's, packed our bags and noticed the Today show was on, so we trekked over to Rockefeller Plaza to see what it was like. And it was very interesting. The cast is very audience interactive, and it was soooooooooooo touristy, which made it all the more attractive. Lots of midwest states represented in the crowd. We watched Ann Curry as she posed for pictures with lots of people. The world is full of interesting jobs, huh? Dave got some pressies at the NBC Experience Store and we headed back to the hotel. Grabbed our bags and had the doorman hail a cab for LaGuardia. We had one of those nice little mini van taxis. I miss Checkers. The driver told us it was illegal to be on a celaphone in the city and you get points taken off your driver's license for varying infractions.
The airport was unbearably hot and everyone gets there so early, so we sat with the masses and waited until we could board. The trip back was uneventful save for the guy next to me who was, I think, protesting having to sit in the middle chair by hogging all of my armrest. But I was nice to him when he needed to get his bag out from under the seat by letting him set his glass on my tray.
Got home, dropped my bags and headed out for Jim and Randall's for dinner. Next morning, July 4th, drove out to Baytown to pick up Bunny from Dennis' house where he spent the weekend in the company of Bailey, the Basset Hound. And he seems different after that experience, like he has matured a bit. He isdefinitelyy calmer, not jumping as much.
So that's the end of the report of two ordinary drunks who met up with some other ordinary drunks to have some sober fun and vacation one day at a time.
a good time was had by all (involved)
I will post pix from the Today Show on Monday.
And we all lived happily ever after...Amen.
I see you,
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