Life is not a "brief candle." It is a splendid torch that I want to make burn as brightly as possible before handing on to future generations. --George Bernard Shaw
What do we really want? We want to have true, lasting friendships with other men and women - to be at peace with our Higher Power and ourselves. We want to be fully aware in the present moments of our lives. We want to have some joy and to make a contribution to the world.
I am grateful that my torch burns brightly. I am finding what I really want. -from Touchstones
and you could rename your blog ...
What I long for and sometimes have is a calm soul, mind, and body. It does not always stay that way but when I am in that state it is wonderful. I long to hold those moments forever. I am grateful for you and your blog.
You are an awesome person, Scott, and work a great program.
I see you are coming into the great gifts of a quiet mind and peaceful heart.
Yes yes yes!!!! I want to die by flying into the room at the last minute, out of breath, having just finished doing another thing on the list of things I said I wanted to do before I died. I want to LIVE! I want to do it all! And I want to share it with all the wonderful men and women whom have become my friends and family in recovery.
Thanks for sharing such a wonderful meditation, Scott!
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