- to have been given a reprieve from the self constructed prison I made for myself
- for my replacement card from Social Security. I lost my original one at sixteen.
- that Chuck called to tell me the replacement evaporator for Snowy came in
- for my sobriety of 582 days
- that today I will strive to not take you or anyone else for granted
- that regardless of belief, a spiritual being is still a spiritual being
- for the twelve rewards
1. HOPE instead of desperation
2. FAITH instead of despair
3. COURAGE instead of fear
4. PEACE OF MIND instead of confusion
5. SELF-RESPECT instead of self-contempt
6. SELF-CONFIDENCE instead of helplessness
7. The RESPECT of others instead of their pity and contempt
8. A CLEAN CONSCIENCE instead of guilt
9. REAL FRIENDSHIPS instead of loneliness
10. A CLEAN PATTERN of life instead of purposeless existence
11. The LOVE and UNDERSTANDING of our families/friends instead of their doubts and fears
12. The FREEDOM of a HAPPY LIFE instead of the bondage of addictive obsessions
Finally, maybe Snowy can become Icy.
Thanks for the twelve rewards. I had never heard of them before. It's greqat to have you and higher powered to do my researching for me. I always feel more up to date. Queen Noor
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