Sunday, May 15, 2005

Junk Mail

I received this via email. Today I have two postage-paid enveloped stuffed with the sending company's junk just waiting to go to the post office.

When you get "ads" enclosed with your phone or utility bill, return these "ads" with your payment. Let the sending companies throw their own junk mail away. When you get those "pre-approved" letters in the mail for everything from credit cards to 2nd mortgages and similar type junk, do not throw away the return envelope. Most of these come with postage-paid return envelopes, right? It costs them more than the regular 37 cents postage "IF" and when they receive them back. It costs them nothing if you throw them away! The postage was around 50 cents before the last postage increase, but the cost is according to the weight. In that case, why not get rid of some of your other junk mail and put it in these cool little, postage-paid return envelopes.

Send an ad for your local chimney cleaner to American Express. Send a pizza coupon to Citibank. If you didn't get anything else that day, then just send them back their blank application! If you want to remain anonymous, just make sure your name isn't on anything you send them. You can even send the envelope back empty if you want to just to keep them guessing! It still costs them 37 cents. The banks and credit card companies are currently getting a lot of their own junk back in the mail, but we need to OVERWHELM them. Let's let them know what it's like to get lots of junk mail, and best of all they're paying for it...twice! Let's help keep our postal service busy since they are saying email is cutting into their business profits, and that's why they need to increase postage costs again. You get the idea. If enough people follow these tips, it will work.


dAAve said...

I've been doing this for some time. I like to include lottery tickets that didn't win as well.

Anonymous said...

LOL...that is a wonderful idea. I'm going to start doing it right away. I can't stop laughing. Thank you for making me smile.
Peace - JJ

Hannen said...

What a neat idea! I never would have thought of that. Thanks, I'll join the fight.

Anonymous said...

Thankyou for a wonderful, if rather naughty, idea. Yes, Readers Digest is one of the worst for bombarding you with loads of junk mail. What a payback!

Tay said...

Amazing!! How have I not heard of this before?? Made me laugh out loud at work and everyone looked at me all crazy-like. I love it when that happens!!

Anonymous said...

I have been sending back every piece of junk mail back for 18 months. I use their prepaid envelopes and "ask" either to opt out or be removed from their mailing lists. It even worked with "Capital One" .... no more junk mail for me!

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!