Monday, December 20, 2004


Today I am grateful...

  • that Target opens at 8 am on Sundays
  • to be allowed to grow in my program at my own pace
  • for last night's hostess, Nell of Bayou Armand, and her hospitality
  • that when I was ready the hand of AA was there
  • for the awareness that I still make judgements of people, places and things. It is an old behavior and one of which I must be constantly aware.
  • for the advancements of gay men and lesbians
  • that as I hone my program I am more aware of the subtleties(sp?) of a healing mind
  • that solicitors are not calling me thanks to www.donotcall.gov
  • for spam block provided by Yahoo!
  • for the quote borrowed from texandave's blog--Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep. --- Scott Adams

The cool weather of autumn keeps me in a constant state of craving sleep. On days when I need to get up when the alarm goes off I could easily roll over and drift off. But on weekend mornings when I can sleep unfettered by the alarm clock I wake up and can't go back to sleep. This is a bit annoying, but I think I can deal with it. I am reminded of times when I was young and would be in a car late at night and I would imagine, as we passed houses and apartment buildings, how many people were in a horizontal, unconscious position. I imagined seeing those prone bodies with the building structures gone, just floating there in the night. Later I moved on to imagining people in their cars, the body of the car gone and everyone in seated positions moving through their lives scurrying about. I also wondered where they were going, if they were happy or sad, and what their lives were like. I still imagine these things, sometimes with that same wonder I experienced as a child.


Anonymous said...

And of course I am still counting my steps, love the 9, 11 & 21 ones. Yes, So and I are from a different breed of people!

Lisa from Ky

dAAve said...

Prone bodies in a horizontal, unconscious position. Hmmmmmmm Now I know why you are gay.