The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation. ~Henry David Thoreau
Today I am grateful...
- for a life so rich in texture that last night as I lay in bed I was free from fear, grateful for such a fulfilling day--that I have the money for car repairs, friends that love me and will pick me up from the mechanics shop, loan me their car, tell me they love me, share food and silliness, have a loving puppy asleep under the covers...such overwhelming gratitude let loose little tears and I out-stretched my arms in an attempt to show my Higher Power that I am truly, truly grateful.
In the morning I feed my faith-flames. In the evening I see something quite astonishing: All my doubts have died of starvation. ~Sri Chinmoy
Just a guess..
the car broke down?
Almost, it was shuddering badly. Something about a gasket break, spark plugs flooded, tune up, etc, etc. Stuff done, stuff replaced. It's all over my head for sure.
This moved me to a little tear. I love those "pinch me and make sure I'm not dreaming" moments.
God's plan. Yeah.
Blessings and aloha...
It seriously doesn't get better than that So.
I think your alternator needs refueling.
I love to cry. Not the actual act of crying but the good thing before crying which moves us to tears in the first place. And the way you feel afterward, after you get all the snot blown out. That calmness.
The other kind of crying, from the negative stuff is only good after.
beautiful - you're beautiful and so is your spirit, Scott W.
Scott you are a gem and a gentleman. Bless you.
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