Saturday, September 12, 2009


But what is happiness except the simple harmony between a man and the life he leads. ~Albert Camus
Sent to me last night: It was superb getting to see you today. It was as if all of our lives came to a stop for a few minutes so we could all gather for a cup of coffee and snacks before we had to rush off back to our busy, beautiful lives.
Isn't that lovely?
Today I am grateful...
  • that adding blogging to my retinue of daily recovery practices has borne such beautiful fruit. Last night I got to meet Lou, sit with her and Pam in a meeting and then we shared a meal of TexMex along with Alfreda, Lou's lovely mother, and a friend from the fellowship. Our recovery crosses all lines and gave us the comfort of meeting physically--we had all met across the ether here, in this medium called the Internet. Lou was just as I expected, bright and strong and full of life.
  • that tonight I will have the privilege of welcoming people to the gallery
  • that today I will have what I need, what I want and what nourishes my soul

Perhaps one of the greatest rewards of meditation and prayer is the sense of belonging that comes to us. We no longer live in a completely hostile world. We are no longer lost and frightened and purposeless. ~Bill W


Tall Kay said...

And we are no longer alone and purposeless! The joy in your heart bounces off the screen. May tonight be more than you could have ever imagined. I wish I was there too!

Lou said...

Scott, you were just as I imaged..
a man with a kind and giving center.

CiCi said...

Meeting others surviving like you is such a blessing.

Enchanted Oak said...

I love your gratitude list, especially this one: "that today I will have what I need, what I want and what nourishes my soul"
If I keep my needs simple, God does the rest. In sobriety, I have found untold riches: My poetry came back in spades; my garden blooms like crazy; newcomers ask me to sponsor them and they bless my socks off; and my husband and I are happy as clams at high tide. I always have what I need and what nourishes my soul. God bless your day! Please visit my blog when you have a moment. I'm new too.

Mary Christine said...

How wonderful for all of you - and us!

dAAve said...


Todd HellsKitchen said...

Blogging is Step 12 Part B. LOL

Carol said...

'I have what I need' are also great words of harmony. I think.

Mary LA said...

I like hearing about these meetings -- deepening friendship in recovery.

Trudging said...

Today I am gratful for you

Syd said...

I'm really glad about the gallery and the showing of your work. That is an awesome tribute to your talent.

Anonymous said...

i am SO jealous!!