In good behavior and bad, we're always trying to meet our needs. As compulsive people, we have lots of experience with destructive ways of meeting them. Driven by nameless hungers, we tried desperately to combat boredom, to raise our low self-esteem, to find companionship. What we actually did was place more distance between ourselves and the true satisfying of our needs. ~Walk in Dry Places
Today I am grateful...
- that a friend I have been worried about for a long time contacted me and said he had just gotten out of a four week rehab and would see me soon
- for those that make it back after a relapse and those that will never find their way home
- that yesterday I was where I was supposed to be to get the full benefit of recovery
- for lunch outside and the votive candle the host found after the electricity went out and I was about to wet my pants
- that self-discovery is a times painful and others joyful. I have to be open to both.
What do we rally need? All of us need self-honesty, self-worth, friendship, and purpose.... all available in the AA program as part of sober living. Finding these, we'll gain insight that will enable to sort out and understand other needs,..... and perhaps find those that correspond to our heart's desire and bring real happiness. It's something we can turn over... ~Walk in Dry Places
It's nice that we can realize the promise of being useful today...
Thank you...
So, did you forget to don your Depends yesterday? Just let me know when you need some more and I'll get them in the mail.
"that self-discovery is a times painful and others joyful. I have to be open to both."
No Scott you don't HAVE to be - but YOU ARE!
That is one of the things I find most endearing about you-you're willingness to take in whatever the lesson is -good or bad and turn it into a learning experience and then BLOOMING FROM IT.
My little Lotus Blossom.
It's not good to pee around electrical wiring.
We are all on a quest. I made a lot of wrong turns, but I finally have a road map.
Just think. If you had wet your pants and we were still doing HNT ...
Of course, Syd learned a fine lesson earlier this week.
My needs are few--my wants are many.
Do they not sell "depends" in Texas?
Oh! I guess NOW you're gonna tell me there are no bathrooms out on the range, either...but beware those homesteaders' electrified fences!
Yes...I love to see someone return to the program. Last night at my Home Group a big, tough looking guy picked up a 6 month chip (after a 5 year relapse) and the tears just streamed down his face. He said he never thought he could do it.
Walking in dry place is a phenom. I hope the friend just out of rehab is a mutual friend.
Good night Scott.
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