Saturday, March 28, 2009


I craved freedom. First, freedom to drink; later, freedom from drink. The A.A. program of recovery rests on a foundation of free choice. There are no mandates, laws or commandments. A.A.'s spiritual program, as outlined in the Twelve Steps, and by which I am offered even greater freedoms, is only suggested. I can take it or leave it. Sponsorship is offered, not forced, and I come and go as I will. It is these and other freedoms that allow me to recapture the dignity that was crushed by the burden of drink, and which is so dearly needed to support an enduring sobriety. ~Daily Reflections
Today I am grateful...
  • that I made it through a case of the 'vapors' at dinner last night
  • to have people in my life that 'have my back'
  • for the odd coincidence of seeing someone last night whom I had not seen in years--and I had just dreamt about them night before last night
  • for the incredible opening of my heart yesterday when I felt such a closeness to my Higher Power--such a bubbling up of love and gratitude. I just dove into it and let it last as long as possible, which was only a few minutes and it was lovely.
  • to have what I need this day

You get the power to overcome drinking through the fellowship of other alcoholics who have found the way out. You get power by honestly sharing your past experience by a personal witness. You get power by coming to believe in a Higher Power, the Divine Principle in the universe which can help you. You get power by working with other alcoholics. In these four ways, thousands of alcoholics have found all the power they needed to overcome drinking. ~Twenty-Four Hours a Day


dAAve said...

I have only heard of vapors. Well, I guess I met a few of them in the bathroom once.

Todd HellsKitchen said...

Silly dAAve!

Ginnie said...

"When all else fails...work with another alcoholic." That really works for me and as a loner all my life I can hardly believe that it does.

Mary Christine said...

Glad you (and your dinner partners) made it through the "vapors."

Syd said...

I don't think that I've ever had the vapors--oh yessss...now I remember. It was when my mother would stick Vick's under my nose.