Thursday, February 26, 2009


The newcomer feels he has struck something better than gold. He may not see at once that he has barely scratched the limitless lode which will pay dividends only if he mines it for the rest of his life and insists on giving away the entire product. ~As Bill Sees It
Today I am grateful...
  • that today KAS celebrates her one year of sobriety
  • for the miracle of recovery
  • that one of the biggest realities for me when I first got sober was that I never had to do IT alone again, ever
  • that my Higher Power has shared a lot of secret stuff with me over these 5+ years
  • that I can be trusted with secret stuff
  • that I am learning to enjoy coffee with no cream or sugar
  • for the marked decrease in my old feelings of being a fraud

The only fix that will ever work has to be rooted in sobriety and right living. When we think and live properly, free from alcohol, we find a fix that really works. We find continuous satisfaction instead of soaring excitement, sound relationships with other people instead of ego-gratifying encounters, and purpose instead of drifting. ~Walk in Dry Places


dAAve said...

I've always had my coffee black.
Thanks for the KAS reminder.

JeremyRT said...

The miracle of recovery - YES!

I celebrated at a HUGE anniversary meeting last night and was overwhelmed by the miracles that surrounded me.

Black coffee is the ONLY coffee :)

Pammie said...

I still suffer from feeling like a fraud lots of times.
Black coffee is merely a beverage.
Coffee with cream and sugar is an awsome luxurious treat.

J-Online said...

I don't know what I'd do without creamer!! I love that your HP shares secrets with you!

Bill said...

I'm glad your coffee is black and your skies are blue.

Syd said...

Ahhh....the fraud feelings. Yes, I know those.

I have to have coffee with stuff in it.

Anonymous said...

Thank you, my dear friend. I like my coffee hot, strong and black. Delicious.

Mary Christine said...

Black, please. Sometimes I will have a cup with real cream for dessert.

Daily said...

i am grateful that you can be trusted with secret stuff, which is why i lay it on you sometimes ;)