The more responsibility you're willing to take, the more control you'll have over the world around you. Be decisive and proactive, and events will more often unfold in your favor. Make use of each moment to give something meaningful to life. Fill your thoughts and actions with substance, and you'll fill your life with great treasures. ~Ralph Marston
Today I am grateful...
- that I finished the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World series last night (see post below)
- that I am not slowing down the creative process even though I am quickly running out of room to store art
- for Grace Jones' release of late last year, Hurricane. I listened to it all weekend and it's brilliant!
- for how incredible it feels to live with some awareness
As human beings, there are many times when we are weak and dependent. If we say we can go it alone, we are whistling in the dark and deluding ourselves. We need to rely on a Power greater than ourselves... What we need to find is the Power strong enough to sustain our dependency. Accepting the fact that we are dependent, that we cannot manage our lives by ourselves--this is the beginning of recovery. We need to be humble, open, and willing to be led by those who have replaced their false dependency ... with a healthy dependency on God. ~Food for Thought
Congrats on finishing the series hon. As for "Food for Thought"...I'm still learning however slowly, I don't have to be alone and can trust humanity to have a more compassionate side. (Hugs)Indigo
Mr. Marston makes a good observation.
Congrats on finishing your series - that's awesome!
Thanks for the reminder on responsibility :)
Grace has something (relatively) new out??? How did I miss that?
Job very well done.
keep creating and I bet the art finds room for itself (with your help, of course!)
congrats, scott. i love your work.
Living with awareness is an awesome thing. I'm now learning to keep my awareness in balance.
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