Tuesday, March 25, 2008


Humility, as a word and as an ideal, has a very bad time of it in our world. Not only is the idea misunderstood; the word itself is often intensely disliked. Many people haven't even a nodding acquaintance with humility as a way of life. Much of the everyday talk we hear, and a great deal of what we read, high lights man's pride in his own achievements. ~12 & 12
Today I am grateful...
  • for lunch yesterday with an 11 year old, a 15 year old, a 27 day old and a 60 something day old
  • that my nephew, the pill head, recognizes that he cannot understand why someone would NOT abuse drugs
  • that I did not have time this morning to read other bloggers as I normally do, I can do that later today
  • that if I label myself good or bad I am thinking too small
  • to have a full and thankful heart this morning
Humility is an essential attitude for success in the spiritual life. Any self-conceit, whether nurtured by superior intelligence, wealth, a high position, or the praise of others, is an obstacle on the path. Genuine humility is not posturing. ~unification.com


Syd said...

I used to think in terms of black and white about people which was small thinking in this program. Now I see the many shades of people. I can accept who they are and I can be humble because I don't have the answers. Thanks for the topic.

Zanejabbers said...

Thanks for sharing humility.

Bill said...

Learning to welcome humility has been such a freeing experience. Have fun researching this one. Humility makes me think of St. Francis and the way he lived his life.

Pammie said...

I am "one" with your pill head nephew.

k-j said...

I want to tell you how much I love reading your blog. It inspires me to have an attitude of gratitude. It's like reading poetry, except it makes sense to me.
thank you.

Anonymous said...

that sounds like a great lunch with those folks. kids are awesome.

i love "if i label myself good or bad i am thinking too small". that should become a slogan :)