Monday, March 24, 2008


Common looking people are the best in the world: that is the reason the Lord makes so many of them. ~Abraham Lincoln
Today I am grateful...
  • for my next assignment--to research humility, the principle behind Step 7
  • for the past beautiful Spring weekend where the weather was splendid
  • that a snapshot of today would show a different life than I would have ever dreamed possible
  • that I can look at the past, but it is rude to stare at it
  • to be able to work today at not letting my worries have babies
  • to have been told that if I focus on what might have been, it gets in the way of what can be
It is generally considered more pleasant to be humble, as being boastful or obnoxious may have the natural consequence of annoying others. This may be why humility is considered a virtuous state of being. ~Wikipedia


dAAve said...

Welcome to todAAy.

Scott Crawford said...

Scott, thank you for this:
that a snapshot of today would show a different life than I would have ever dreamed possible

It is such a wonderfully visual device, to picture the picture, to appreciate the way today doesn't look. And feel.

Scott C in the Land of Cleves

Syd said...

I'm looking forward to your writings on humility. There are some days that I eat a lot of humble pie.

Zanejabbers said...

I ALWAYS enjoy you sharing your sponsors assignments. Such food for thought. LUV YA DAHLINK!!!

Pammie said...

You are right...it is rude to stare at yesterday..I like that.
What will we do when you get to 12?

Mary Christine said...

I think I can help you with humility. I have done a series of lectures on the topic. The videos are for sale, and I can autograph a copy for you.

he he he he he he he

indistinct said...

"work today at not letting my worries have babies."

Wonderful tip, thank you.

indistinct said...
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Bill said...

I'm stealing that idea about it being rude to stare at the past. Just warning ya in advance. That'll be coming to a meeting near me soon.