Today I am grateful...
- that I get to vote today
- that Jim wasn't injured yesterday when someone turned in front of him that he couldn't avoid slamming into
- that I no longer taste of tequila and salt. HA!
- that all I have to do today is my part
- that I got everything when I surrendered
Each human being makes a personal hell here on earth. Often we do it not by what we perpetrate but in what we allow to happen. So much of the loneliness and isolation that many addicts and their families experience is caused by them remaining hidden and silent. The pretense that everything is okay is not only untrue but deadly. Silence and compliance kills more addicts than a thousand needles!
Today I choose not to be neutral in my life. I speak about my alcoholism so that I can on a daily basis make war on the disease that nearly killed me. I speak out about the disease of addiction so that society cannot say that it did not know what was happening. I speak up for treatment and recovery because I know it can work in the vast majority of cases. I am not neutral when it comes to addiction because I am fighting for my life. ~Fr Leo
Scott, Thanks so much for posting the Fr Leo piece. The ring of truth rings loudly in my inner ear and reminds me to hit my knees and give thanks.
That seemingly innocent --I'm okay-- was such a killer deceit. The shudder of self-recognition.
Scott C. in the Land of Cleves
Glad Jim was not hurt.
I'm always OK because I know others don't wanna know of my problems. That's a really difficult one for me to get over.
Neutrality sux. You might as well be neutered.
who is ralph marston? i always enjoy it when you quote him. i'm also glad that jim was not hurt.
Pretense is one of the fear relievers that I used. It's all about fear for me. And learning to not fear being fearless.
Your post is always calm and quote.
I don't think I know Jim, but I'm glad he's ok....
whew..glad Jim is OK.
did you used to taste of tequila and salt? Cause if I could find someone that tasted of Kool Mild 100's in a box..I'd lick 'em.
Yaay! Vote Day!
Glad your friend Jim is ok.
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