Friday, February 22, 2008

02.22.2008 Lots of 2s

Step 4. Courage: This step is about courage to honestly look at ourselves and see how our behavior has become warped to justify our continued behavior. ~Learn More About Alcoholism.com
Today I am grateful...
  • for the early morning email from my good friend Bill H to start my day
  • that the program of AA teaches me about being a better human being, with a guide so I have to guess less how it's done
  • that today I don't have to drink AT my responsibilities, you, the world or anything else
  • for another Friday of freedom
  • that Blogger FINALLY got spellcheck fixed

We can give in to our fear and anxiety, or we can surrender to this great mystery with courage. When we see people on a roller coaster, we see that there are those with their faces tight with fear and then there are those that smile broadly, with their hands in the air, carried through the ride on a wave of freedom and joy. This powerful image reminds us that often the only control we have is choosing how we are going to respond to the ride. ~DailyOm


Pammie said...

Guessing less....YES.
I always guessed at the right thing to do, and usually failed. The program has really taken alot of the guess work out of living. I like that Scott!
Have a fabulous day darlin'.

Bill said...

Chipping my car free of ice in the dark this morning to get to an early meeting might be considered warped behavior to some. For me, it's how I started my Friday of freedom.
Then, when I return home, I always have your website to look forward to reading.
Life is good.

Trailboss said...

I had to do a bit of chipping ice on my vehicle this morning as well. Glad that is over for now. Loved the title of your post today, funny.


Trailboss said...

I really have to get another picture for my post. Believe me guys, I am NOT sniffing anything, it is a remote control!!!!!!!!

Todd HellsKitchen said...

Hi Buddy! Have a great weekend!

Syd said...

Step 4 is a powerful step. I worked on it for weeks. In Al-Anon we have a large workbook for doing step 4. I must have written about 50 pages on this step, answering the questions in that book.

peanut said...

Dear Scott,

Happy Friday !

I am so grateful that I don't have to scrape snow or shovel it !

Kudos to those that do, however.

Love you Scott !

dAAve said...

There's a lot of coments here today alrready.
Thanks for the headdsup abotu bloger fixing the spelchec.

Scott Crawford said...

Today I'm grateful for your posts, for this community, for the call from my friend Dave looking for help to find the courage to let go of that last inch of the last corner of the towel he still doesn't quite want to throw in but knows he must.

Have a good weekend everybody.

Zanejabbers said...

Positively positive.

AudreyO said...

Really nice blog. I quit smoking through NA. My last cigarette was July 31st 1996. Nice to meet you.

My adventures said...

great video!! thanks for sharing!!