Wednesday, August 29, 2007


The only difference between needing more and having enough is your attitude. At any time, in any circumstance, you always have the option of deciding that you are enough, and that you already have enough for the moment you're in.
Always longing for more will eventually wear you down into a painful, frustrating and overwhelming sense of disillusionment. Having enough, on the other hand, puts you into a peaceful, positive and productive state of mind.
Just imagine how completely satisfying it would be to suddenly have everything you need. You can know that satisfaction right now, in this very moment, just by allowing yourself to have enough.
Today I am grateful...
  • that long ago I added this to my morning prayer: Thank you for giving me all I need, thank you for sustaining my life and sustaining my future.
  • to find joy in little things and big things
  • that my HP shows me the way--every day
  • to be surrounded by those who try to improve their experience by striving to be the best they can be. That probably includes you, and if so, congratulations.
  • that my life is full of reflections, in others and in mirrors (that means I am not a vampire)
It costs you nothing to decide that you have enough. For having enough does not preclude you from creating more abundance in your life.
In fact, having enough sets your creativity free and allows your effectiveness to soar to new heights. When you get away from the stifling mindset of lack and limitation, truly magnificent things will happen.
By having enough, your struggles disappear and are replaced with countless opportunities for real joy. See right now that you have enough, and delight in the warm and genuine richness it brings. ~Ralph Marston


dAAve said...

Thanks so much for the writing about having enough.
I have copied/pasted it into a file and printed it out and licked it and smelled it and tossed it around the room for good measure and am now trying to remember it.

Anonymous said...

I too have printed and posted it to see every day. Very well put.


peanut said...

Dear Scott,

Yes, enough is truly more than I ever hoped for or dreamed of. Sobriety has given me this.

Before, there was never enough. Nothing was ever enough.

Today I enjoy an abundance of everything I ever wanted.

You are part of that "joyful abundance."

Love you

Pammie said...

Wow....I do have enough at this moment, and I'm very grateful that you are here to point that out to me, because on my own...I have a hard time realizing the obvious.
Hey...perfect example of the "we" in our beautiful program.

Anonymous said...

Thank you.