Sunday, October 29, 2006

Sunday, Back to God's Time

There is nothing so moving--not even acts of love or hate--as the discovery that one is not alone. ~Robert Ardrey
Today I am grateful...
  • for last night's celebration of October AA birthdays
  • for the costume contest and dance following. Fog machine and six stands with disco lights made me feel like I was at my old hang out, Rich's. It has been at least eight years since I have been in a bar of any kind, other than to wait for a table in a restaurant.
  • for the dream in which I was the guest of Don K at a seaside compound filled with lots of AAers and service work
  • for the al fresco dining with the Saturday Night Dinner Group
  • for my friend Matt, who sees the world a lot like I do and gets the joke!
  • that I have been a non-smoker for a year and four months. That shortly after I put them down, my sister joined the ranks and then Mary followed. For the new group of non-smokers: Dave, Matt, Boston, Beau; Doug (who will be starting his new life on Nov 1) and Bill, who asked me about the book by Alan Carr and who wants to be smoke free.
  • for the tenth and eleventh step which allow me to maintain my spiritual fitness, allows me to develop a growing relationship with a power greater than my ego and allows me to experience trust
Resistance will not move us forward, nor will it eliminate the undesirable. But even our resistance may need to be accepted. Even resistance yields to and is changed by acceptance. Acceptance is the magic that makes change possible. It is not forever; it is for the present moment.
Acceptance empowers the positive and tells God we have surrendered to the Plan. We have mastered today's lesson, and are ready to move on. ~The Language of Letting Go


Jonathan29 said...

Thanks Scott...I'm grateful for you too, Bubba. You didn't miss much after you left. They announced the winner of the costume contest (it was the Phantom of the Opera), then this little went wee wee wee all the way home.

Jonathan29 said...

this little piggy rather. DOH!

Unknown said...

Happy Sunday Scott!

Trudging said...

Smoke free is a good thing!