Me at Monument Valley, 1987
Today I am grateful...
- for JJ's post about attending a Powwow and the memories it brought back to me of my visit to Monument Valley and how that experience confirmed beliefs I had held for years. That I was able to experience an overwhelming sense of returning home--for I am convinced that was not my first time there and the reason I drew the desert for years prior became clear.
- that I found a Higher Power of my understanding before I entered the rooms of AA
- that the program of AA with its tenet of finding a Higher Power of our understanding allowed for my understanding to broaden and grow
- for the clear dream of creating and painting I had this morning just before waking
- that I am starting to find safe haven in my own mind
"Come unto me all ye that labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest." For rest from the care of life, you can turn to God each day in prayer and communion. Real relaxation and serenity comes from a deep sense of the fundamental goodness of the universe. God's everlasting arms are underneath all and will support you. Commune with God, not so much for petitions to be granted as for the rest that comes from relying on His will and His purposes for your life. Be sure of God's strength available to you, be conscious of His support, and wait quietly until that true rest from God fills your being. ~24 Hours a Day
Even though I live in the UK and have never even been out of the UK I have a strong affininity with Native Indians.
For some reason I have a "lump in my throught" when I think back at all that was lost when there natural way of life dissapeared.
I would of loved to have had a lifetime as an american indian some 500 years ago
Michael, perhaps you did.
oh Scott... safe haven in your own mind!! Its a trap, it's a trick lol ruuuunnnn! Ok, I am kidding, that is a nice feeling, andit is possible in AA to be able to have peace between the ears, to trust your own judgement. I liek to think of that as God finally being allowed to live in my mind and heart, rather than me keeping all that space to myself.
I know what you mean about being "called" somewhere, or feeling a special belonging to a place you've never "been" before. I feel much the same way about Arizona, specifically the Flagstaff/Sedona/Jerome area... Oh man... no words to describe!
Thanks for the great share! Thanks for being my friend!
That is really cool Scott. I love hearing about things like that. Your desert experience.
Dreams are amazing to me ~
I love you!
I see you!
What a great photo! Thank you for sharing these with us.
Hope your Monday is fab.
WOW Scott, that is cool
look how handsome you are :)
What a wonderful picture. We don't have space like that on our wee island. There are European steppes and plains but they're way out east.
Looking good yourself.
Nothing beats the safe haven in our own minds does it? Good photo of you Scott. You are a special person indeed.
"that I am starting to find safe haven in my own mind"
Holy crap. That is one powerful statement of healing. Wow. You rock, Scott.
Scott, you are a beautiful friend. Thanks for checking in on me. I feel your love.
What a good looking young guy!
great pic!!!
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