Today I am grateful...
- for a friend's story yesterday who started partying at 13 and got sober at 21
- for my Higher Power's healing grace that brought me up from the bottom of the barrel
- that I will strive for an open mind and an open heart today
- that I get to work with David S creating beauty in our wake
- that someone would call me for spiritual advise. My phone never rang when I was in my last years of drinking.
- that dAAve called me for NYC meeting directions while I was IMing with JJ. Technology connecting me with two of my favorite drunks.
When everything seems to be going against you, remember that the airplane takes off against the wind, not with it. ~Henry Ford
Me, you, dAAve....I'm having flash backs. It all sounds way too familiar.
I love you bro.
I see you too,
Love you all
I am grateful that technology has allowed us to be a part of this online recovery.
i didnt quite get the last quote????
and me too
smooth sailors don't win races.
I am grateful for people who use bullets. Seriously, the organization... it is easier to read... No joke.
Looking forward to seeing dAAve at some point in the next few days...! You'll be missed!
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