I have to tell you I got all tingly when I first saw her and then got to hug her. Me hug her long time. My eyes teared. Finally, we all got to meet.
We went up to the hotel room and when we entered the maid was attending to her duties as I announced, "We're back with our high-priced hooker!" HA! We just kind of tittered and giggled and settled into seeing each other for real, in person. In the flesh. Upclose. Dave and I brought Texas stuff, a coffee mug and an ash tray. JJ brought little charms in blue satin bags for us. Then she handed me my birthday gift, a great painting which I posted earlier.
So then we were off by cab for Greenwich Village, JJ taking the middle seat. We found the meeting place and took off on foot to explore a bit. We saw puppies, restaurants preparing for the morning's brunch, a fenced area covered in 911 tribute tiles. I love the charms of the Village. I love the architecture of New York. From quaint townhouses and apartment buildings to contemporary skyscrapers. It fascinates me. Texas is famous for its tear down and build ugly attitude. I could easily rant here about how there is no reason for bad design.
After trotting around a bit we made our way to The Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgendered Community Center on 14th Street. I found Greg inside and he had, as promised, saved our seats. JJ and Dave stayed outside and smoked. They smoked A LOT! We met friends of Greg's and settled down into our seats. The room was filled with 250 gay men and lesbians (why there is now a distinction I do not know). Intros and etc were done and we heard from a policewoman about what it was like, what happened and what it is like now. She had a powerful story and laced it with lots of humor. "The bars never close if you are a policeman." And she apologized to anyone who had ever been intentionally intimidated by a badge carrying officer. The applause was deafening! Others shared after she about their reaction to hearing another alcoholic tell a part of their own story. You know we can all relate to another's tales.
I must admit I was overcome with emotion at how just 35 years ago we would not have been allowed to meet like that, all those gay men and women (lesbians), and supportive straight friends, if it had not been for the Stonewall Riots on June 27, 1969. Then to be able to sit there that day, with all the freedoms we enjoy as Americans beside one of my favorite women in the world was awe inspiring. I really feel that connection to JJ that one has when you meet and know you have known before. Known before. That's exactly it. We have come back together, somehow. However that works. It works if you work it!
All day we kissed (well I did not kiss Dave) and leaned on each other and grinned and giggled and laughed and were amazed that we three were all together. Fantastic, I tells ya.
Lunch at a nice cafe, with crowded booths where upon the female member of our group knocked over her water. I had to laugh as we just dealt with it like it was nothing. I knew better than to overeat because we were to take off on foot for the pier, and it was a distance away. It was by that time quite warm and humid and I immediately started melting. We made it to the pier where there were many scantily clad SKINNY BITCHES showing off their washboard abs and other body parts replete with tattoos, or whatever other accessory of choice. There were also some swish queens conducting their own show for their own entertainment. JJ bought us all tickets for the Water Taxi and off we went. What a great way to see a lot of history. And there is a lot of history in NYC. We had the most awful young tour guide. I can't even explain his halting, extremely bored weird way of speech. We took the taxi out close to Liberty Island and back up the east side of the island, getting off at the final stop at 34th Street.
We said our thanks to Greg for showing us a fine time with meetings and around the city as he got on a bus for another meeting. We then cabbed it back to the hotel where we collapsed onto the beds and chatted and giggled some more.
As it was time for JJ to catch her cab back to the airport I had a lump in my throat. It was that movie kind of moment, where someone gets into a cab and it races off into the distance. Grand.
David and I walked over to Rockefeller Center again, just to sit and watch the people come and go. We also did some retail lookin' around. But mostly we just sat, Dave smoked and we were just comfortable with where we were. Worn out and fulfilled.

Dave in Sheridan Square Park

Takin' a break, one of several. It was hot.
Click here, where you can view all the NYC pictures.
Ahhhhhhhh memories. I almost forgot about that extremely weird talking tour guide guy. I don't think there was one person on there that wasn't thinking the same thing we were about his explanation of things.
I see you,
Looks like fun!!!
Thanques Scott.
I must admit this post brought some tears (good ones) out.
Memories forever -- ones I can actually keep.
Awesome stories! Thank you for sharing!!!
Looks like another great day in Gotham!
I love the post.. Are you still tingling from JJ? I bet so.
thanks for sharing your NYC trip with us, I felt like I was almost there.... you make me almost want to visit NYC!
peace to you!
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