Thursday, February 2, 2006


The last three nights I haven't been able to stay asleep for more than an hour at a time, and that makes for an off balanced Scott. I have been drinking a lot of liquids resulting in having to pee a lot, that and this dry hacking cough that makes my abdomen feel like it is splitting open has resulted in my waking so often. But today I feel a bit better, I now have the third antibiotic in me and it's just a waiting game.

I am grateful that I am feeling better because I was able to be with David S as we made a large presentation to redecorate the elevator lobby and reception area of a law office near the Galleria. It was a great presentation and we will hear soon if David got the job. As we were leaving he said to me, "You know, one of the great gifts of the program is that I had no fear in any of that." He went on to tell me how in his early days of interior design, he was in so much fear that the budget wouldn't be accepted and/or that the client wouldn't like what he presented (all prior to the presentation), that he was frozen with fear and would be trying to throw things together at the last minute. David works a good program and has just celebrated his 22nd soberversary. He has always been one of my biggest cheerleaders. It is a pleasure to work with him, we get on great and he is really one of the funniest people I have ever known.

Today I am grateful to be feeling better and to have been able to make some good money.

perspective 3
The elevator lobby rendering I did for today's presentation.


Anonymous said...

i hope you feel better soon, scott. just wanted to drop a line and tell you that you're much loved.

Meegan said...

I hope you feel better and are able to get some good sleep!

dAAve said...

Nice drawing. The color seems a bit bland for an office. But what do I know?

JJ said...

Hey sweetie - the drawing looks great. How exciting! Keep getting rest!
I see you,