Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Not Being in the Moment

Yesterday afternoon I left work, dropped Daniel off across the street from his apartment and headed home, knowing I had enough time to let Chester out, check my email and get to Randall and Jim's to pick them up for dinner at Cafe Adobe. I pulled in the driveway, parked Snowy and headed for the gate. We have a six foot fence surrounding the back yard, and at the back of the yard is my little abode. I pulled open the gate. Lucy was moving towards me and in front of her was a squirrel running at top speed. Before I could close the gate that squirrel flew up my leg and on to the top of the fence to try and escape up a tree. Bam!itallhappenedsofast! My left arm flew upwards, banging my knuckles into the fence post and I shrieked like a little girl (or a little girl that smokes cigarettes). That moment was over before I knew it.

Before my heart could stop racing I thought that what if that had been a life threatening moment? I was totally unprepared, I was not able to be in that moment. It happened so fast. I could still feel where that little squirrel had spring boarded off my leg. And of course, I wondered if anyone had heard me scream. What, you thought my ego would give up for a moment?


Hannen said...

Funny you should mention squirrels. Max caught and killed one yesterday while we were on our walk. I was not happy. Keep writing.

Hannen said...

Funny you should mention squirrels. Max caught and killed one yesterday while we were on our walk. I was not happy. Keep writing.

Anonymous said...

Scott, I've said all along that while lots of odd things happened while we were drinking/using, weird stuff can happen when you're sober, too! You wrote, "I could still feel where that little squirrel had spring boarded off my leg." If you were still drinking, you would have forgot all about it by now - see, that's what you get for being sober: the attack of the killer squirrel etched in your memory! I say this tongue-in-cheek of course, and wouldn't trade my sobriety for anything today!
Have a good one day at a time!

dAAve said...

What color was the squirrel?

Scott W said...

Brown, the squirrel was brown and probably still is.

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