Today I am grateful...
- that yesterday was my 500th day of a new sober life! 500!
- for my sponsee's call yesterday and that I am now a grandsponsor
- for from-the-gut laughter with Jim and Randall
- that patience paired with letting go gives me a renewed sense of peace
- to focus on the first part of the definition of trudge--to walk or march steadily, and less on the second part--and usually laboriously
- that I have been able to focus on the joy of working my program, not to see it as a burden
- for restraint of thought. I no longer have to obsess like I did in days past and that helps keep some free space in my brain.
- to observe someone's connection to the program growing and the light it puts in her face
- that the more I add to my foundation today will afford me stronger support for tomorrow
500 days...WOW FANTASTIC!!! ;-)
500th day! congratulations So, I am so proud of you. You have grown so much in that period it's remarkable.
I love you,
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