I found this Snoop Dog site http://www.asksnoop.com/ that translates into some shizzle language. I put in today's blog and the following was the result.....
Speaker Meetings 'n Other Ramblings
I love speaker meetings n' shit. I used like 'em because there wuz less time fo' group discussion, thus less chance I would be called upon share n' shit. But now I see that shiznit not only gives me a chance get know mo' 'bout another alcoholic, but that shiznit reminds me of what brought me through da doors of AA, know what I'm sayin'? And I need be reminded of those times, not relive 'em, not regret 'em, but keep me aware that my disease is swimming underneath da surface like a hungry shark." And I hate sharks." They eyes are so cold 'n they never stop da hunt." Today Jamie told us of her feelings during her active using, 'n brizzle wondered just how much wuz brizzle willing suffer through." Willing suffer." I also need hear from others of they love of da program as that shiznit reinforces my resolve that da program really works n' shit. It astounds me hear another person's version of my story n' shit.
I am not a Christmas person, I do not get excited by izzall da hoopla surrounding da holiday n' shit. This will be my third sober Christmas, my second sober New Years, know what I'm sayin'? Living sober makes me grateful 'n satisfies me." I don't need much, 'n I don't expect Santa bring me anything, know what I'm sayin'? If tha dude does manage find me I will be in Waco." Waco is one of da most depressing winter landscapes I has ever seen, know what I'm sayin'? Everything is da same height, izzall da houses look like something out of King of da Hill, 'n da land is gray." I will be there wit my ex partner Randall, tha dude's partner Jim 'n izzall of R's family, know what I'm sayin'? His mother, Edie, adopted me years ago 'n da rest of tha dude's family stands by her siiiiide." I love Edie n' shit. She is just a country brizzle full of love 'n humor, know what I'm sayin'? R is her only child 'n brizzle says brizzle always wanted three boys 'n now brizzle has 'em." So that means I has four families; my sister (in KY) 'n brother (in TN), my Waco family, my tight group of old friends 'n my AA family." Pretty lucky, huh?
So, other than da above, today I am grateful:
*fo' Lambda Center, know what I'm sayin'? If yo' ass are an alcoholic this is da place get 'n stay sober, especially if yo' ass are gay or lesbian, know what I'm sayin'? And of course we welcome straight muthas, 'n many attend izzle meetings, know what I'm sayin'? Everyone is welcome as is da tradition of AA n' shit.
*fo' izzall da muthas that stir da pot, which ultimately brings us closer together
*that I had four muthas in my smart town apartment yesterday, unplanned, 'n I didn't freak out 'bout da fact that they might judge me on da mess." ..because that is none of my business
*wonder how primitive mutha survived da cold without electric blankets
that da cold weather will get rid of a lot of mosquitoes 'n fleas, some of Dogg's mo' hideous creations
*has been allowed da gift of time these past 401 days concentrate on changing old behaviors
*fo' Martha Stewart's holiday message where brizzle addresses da problem of addiction regarding da brizzle in da cage that wuz involved in drug taking, "They would be much better served in a true rehabilitation center than in da cage" n' shit. Read mo' at www.marthatalks.com
*fo' da Ghirardelli chocolate from my cuz 'n landlady Mary
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Oh dear! I think I need to go wipe now I'm laughing so hard! Share n' shit. Classic!
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