Tuesday, February 2, 2010


You are what you are and where you are because of what has gone into your mind. You can change what you are and where you are by changing what goes into your mind. ~Zig Ziglar

Today I am grateful…

  • to have been asked to chair next Monday nights Beginners meeting
  • the healing of an alcoholic extends far past himself
  • for being shown the difference in struggling and letting go
  • I do not have to agree with everyone, in fact I can't
  • the truth is revealed to me in small doses so I can comprehend it


Forever is longer than you know. Eternal is longer than Forever. God is more than you imagine. God is the energy you call imagination. God is creation. God is first thought. And God is last experience. And God is everything in between. ~Conversations with God


Shannon said...

thanks needed a positive post!

Bill said...

I can't find anything in this post to struggle with today.

Lou said...

I can't agree with everyone. AND..I don't need to disagree with everyone either.

Syd said...

The healing of an alcoholic does so much to help a lot of people. There are supposedly ten of us to every one alcoholic. When we also heal, a lot of good things happen for everyone involved.

S. Susan Deborah said...

I needed to read this.

Hugs and love.

Joy always,
Susan Deborah

JeremyRT said...

Very uplifting - Thanks!

Ed G. said...

I love the balance. Gives me something to think about for today.

Blessings and aloha...

Smitty said...

Your quote from Conversations with God is one that I would love to share with someone who is just beginning program and believes in no God. She is afraid that this may mean she has no hope.

Unknown said...

Ditto what Syd said....


dAAve said...

It's mid-afternoon and I only now got here. But, of course, it was worth the wait.

Mary Christine said...

I can't agree with everyone either.

Pammie said...

Love the quote at the bottom.
I can't agree with every one but I want every one to agree with me.

MeAgain said...

You make me want to be a better blogger.

J Wils said...

Love you blogs. It's amazing how every single day in the midst of all that's wrong with world there is something to be grateful about. That decision is where a changfed life begins.

I also made a short video about it. Check it out!!
